Since 1977, Historic Perrysburg has been very busy in the promotion and preservation of local architecture.
Historic Perrysburg ans supported many projects in creative ways--projects have included special documents and publications, historic plaques, monetary donations, educational resources, architectural/drafting resources, lecture series, walking tours, and more!
A few of our significant projects:
Campaigned for the creation of the East River Road Historic District.
Promoted the need for a historic zoning ordinance.
Created promotional literature to cultivate awareness and interest in our built environment.
Sought the advice of consultants for the restoration of the Huntington Bank Building
Provided the landscape plan and planting of locust trees for a new business at Louisiana Ave. and Third St.
Coordinated a series of lectured and walking tours on local history, architecture, and downtown restoration.
Led tours and lectures in Perrysburg Junior High's Variety Education Venture programs.
Placed the 1840 Spafford House on West River Road on the National Register
Advocated the adoption of the Secretary of Interior's Standards Rehabilitation for the Historic Landmarks Commision.
Published monthly articles in the local newspaper and Bend of the River magazine featuring selected homes and buildings.
Assisted the city to become a Certified Local Government in the National Historic Preservation Program and acquired a greant for the inventory of 75 structures not in the Historic District.
Funded a $3,000 historic inventory of homes and buildings completed by BGSU.
Assisted in the development of Perrysburg Revitalization, Inc.(downtown restoration program).
Prepared a driving tour brochure of rural Wood County.
Challenged people in several contests in the local newspaper to identify specific architectural details on local homes.
Participated in the City’s Historic Preservation Heritage Fair and offered walking tours in the historic district.
Donated plans and money for the City’s mobile gazebo.
Developed a program for recognition of homeowners who preserve and enhance their historic properties.
Assisted the city in presenting a Preservation Seminar for the public.
Published a soft-cover book on 65 of Perrysburg’s best old buildings.
Provide bronze plaques identifying buildings of architectural or historical significance.
Promoted expansion of the Historic District.
Conducted a public presentation of 90 photographs showing 17 architectural styles found in Perrysburg.
Assisted in the coordination the first Harrison Rally Days celebration.
Sponsored two Building Doctor Clinics offering free expert advice to homeowners on preservation methods and techniques.
Organized and spearheaded Wood and Lucas County efforts to get an aesthetically pleasing replacement for the 1929 Fort Meigs Memorial Bridge .
Coordinated an Ohio Historical Preservation Office meeting here to aid them in establishing statewide strategies and plans.
Created and offered for sale picture postcards featuring local scenes.
Created a special calendar commentating the City’s 175th anniversary.
Contributed $1,000 to the city to purchase 1200 shade trees.
Awarded more than $2,000 toward the bronze replication of the original marble Commodore Perry statue.
Created and paid nearly $2,000 for the bronze marker in Hood Park recounting important historic events that took place here at the Foot of the Rapids.
Invested over $600 on books, pamphlets and how-to periodicals to create a preservation resource library in Way Library.
Provided local teachers and students a series of 12 folders entitled “What You Should Know About Perrysburg”.
Initiated the first of a series of public seminars during National Preservation Week, the second featuring nationally recognized Lee Adler.
Sponsored trolley tours of Perrysburg and The Hamlet.
Obtained a grant to get an Ohio Historical Society Bicentennial bronze marker for Milestone Park, paying for our third of the $1,500 cost.
Sponsored a tour of Toledo sculptures.
Offered a program of archival albums to collect and preserve information on old houses.
Created a website , making instantly available to the public pictures and information on over 100 homes and buildings, as well as other information relating to Perrysburg's history.
Became the umbrella support of a citizens’ committee to promote the idea of a historic center and museum.
Created a coloring book for fourth grade students featuring sketches of past and present old buildings and homes, and short essays on local history.
Worked with schools on a student-created video featuring some of our better old homes and buildings and their history.
Coordinated with the school system for short lectures on local history by Historic Perrysburg volunteers.
Sponsored an annual photo contest featuring sites of preservation.
Sponsored bus tours of the homes and churches of Toledo's Old West End.
Conducted a survey of the location and condition of the milestones between Perrysburg and Woodville; documenting them in a booklet placed in Way Public Library.
Published a comprehensive Visitor's Guide encompassing Perrysburg's history, a listing of local historical sites, and a self-guided walking tour of historic homes and buildings.
Conducted "Cemetery Walks" at Fort Meigs Union Cemetery featuring re-enactors of local residents of long ago telling their stories.
Conducted walking tours of the historic district at Perrysburg's monthly "First Friday" event.