Historical Plaques
A historic property plaque displays the year when the structure was built. Examples may be seen on many homes and buildings located in Perrysburg. Plaques are approximately 9"x12" oval.
On April 6th, 2006, the Board of Trustees of Historic Perrysburg, Inc. approved alterations of the required criteria for the issuance of historic plaques.
1. The building must be located within the City of Perrysburg limits or within Perrysburg Township limits.
2. Buildings must be 100 years old or older.
Issuance of any plaque must receive prior approval from the Board of Trustees. Historic Perrysburg will purchase the plaque, and provide it to a qualified property owner at 50% of the cost of the plaque. The current cost to the building owner is $55.00.
If you do not have any documentation showing the year the structure is built, Historic Perrysburg, Inc can provide information on how to do research to determine the date.
Steps to check year of Construction by Homeowner
1. Visit auditor.co.wood.oh.us
2. Search by Street Number and Street Address of the property
3. Select the parcel that matches the owner name
4. The Year Built will be displayed under the Residential tab If the date is shown as 1900, or if you feel the date is incorrect, further research is required.
For dates shown as 1900, it is common that the Wood County Auditor office online system lists homes that were actually built prior to the turn of the century in the 1800’s as 1900. This happened with the switch to an online records system. There are also certain houses built after 1900 that were unknown as to the construction date and were given 1900 as well at that time. Most of the structure built dates listed as 1900 are indicative of the data being prior to 1900 or even after 1900, even though it is just listed as being built in 1900, it indicates the construction date is unknown.
Find the inlot number from the “legal description” shown on the “base tab” of the Wood County Auditor website by following the same procedure as finding the construction date that was previously followed. The inlot number may also be found on the property tax bill.
After having found the inlot number, go to the Wood County Recorder's office and search the geographic index. Find the Perrysburg numbered inlots in the Perrysburg wall of books. Find the index of deeds, this will give you the volume and page number of individual deeds. Look for the owner's’ name and value, this will give a rough idea about historical property time frames. Look for significant changes that affected the land. The Recorder’s Office deals with land records only.
Once you have established a time frame, go to the Wood County Auditor’s office. You may have to make arrangements with the Auditor’s Office to view tax duplicates for the property in the time frame you have researched previously at the Recorder’s office. The tax duplicates can be either microfilm or book form, and they may be on premises or off premises. Once you’ve found the tax duplicates, look for significant changes in tax values. Many of these old tax duplicates have hand written notations which may help your research.
Historic Perrysburg has found there are some early 1800’s microfilm at the Center for Archival Collections at Bowling Green State University, but the quality of these films may be very poor, and may not provide information that is very discernable.

Interested applicants should fill out the form below and submit it to Historic Perrysburg Inc. via postal mail or email: info@historicperrysburg.org.