Built ca. 1915, this rather modern looking house likely started out as a three-room log cabin built as early as the 1830s, judging from the hand-hewn understructure timbers. Judge David Ladd owned the property then and sold it two years later for much more than he paid for it.
Scotland-born Robert Pargillis could have been the owner who made the first changes in it, including the addition of a second story while he was the owner in 1915.
The house was also once the home of Charles E. Thompson, who started a company that designed most of the electric signs in Toledo during the boom days following World War I.
The Ladd House #2
415 East Second Street
This well-kept frame house at 422 East Second Street was built in about 1850 by Josiah Miller, a well-known Perrysburg carpenter.
It was originally of simple Greek Revival design, but was remodeled in the early 1900s probably adding the Colonial Revival styling.
The most eye-catching feature of the yellow frame structure is the three Colonial Revival gabled dormers that echo the design of the pediment over the front entrance.
Below the low-pitched roof in the façade is a wide frieze board at the ends of which are massive wraparound pilasters designed to represent supporting columns topped by Doric-style capitals. Windows are 6/6.
The centered front entrance has a full entablature under the pediment and the door is surrounded by a transom and side lights. Inside, there is a brick fireplace in the former cellar, probably once used for cooking. Oak log floor joists with bark are still visible.
Josiah Miller was born in Connecticut in 1801. In early life he worked at his trade in Savannah, Georgia before coming here in about 1835. In 1862, he built an addition to the Wood County Jail on West Indiana Avenue, and he no doubt had a hand in the building of other significant structures in town.
Miller served as a county commissioner, and a township trustee, was a member of the Methodist Church and a charter member of Phoenix Lodge, F. & A. M. He died in 1864 at age 65.
The Josiah Miller House
422 East Second Street
This attractive Greek Revival frame at 425 East Second Street is believed built sometime between 1836 and 1843 -- probably by a man by the name of Enos Stone about whom local records unfortunately reveal nothing.
It is known, however, that several prominent early Perrysburg residents owned the property over the years. They include Jarvis Spafford, grandson of the man who surveyed what is now Cleveland and named Perrysburg and who himself (Jarvis) built the still standing Exchange Hotel building on West Front Street;
Dr. Erasmus D. Peck, cholera epidemic physician, businessman and U. S. Congressman; and Henry E. Averill who was an early student here, later builder of railroads in Ohio and Illinois, Toledo attorney and one of the auditors of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Ohio Co. when it was headquartered in Cleveland.
The front entry, off-center as is frequently the case in this style of architecture, features sidelights and a three-pane transom. Both first story facade windows are extremely tall and narrow, with most of the others double-hung six over six with slightly pedimented or flat moldings. The roof has a wide overhang.
There is a small addition with a shed roof on the north end of the west elevation, along with a glass-walled sunroom in the rear. A screened porch has also been added on the east side of the house.