In 1916 Zoar Lutheran Church began construction of the original part of the present brick church on the southeast corner of Locust Street and Indiana Avenue. The building being replaced was the second house of worship to sit on the site and it was moved across town, cut in half and made into two small side-by-side homes at the northeast corner of Mulberry Street and Indiana Avenue.
In 2005, the owner re-oriented one of the homes 90º abutting it to the other and joined the two structures into a single house.
Zoar Lutheran Church #2
329 Mulberry Street
In 1921, a local civic group lured the construction of a factory for a relatively new consumer product, steel wool. Enthusiasm was high, based on available new machinery that would greatly increase normal production over that of the half dozen other factories in the country then making the product, and because the operation would be largely locally owned and run.
Architect Harold H. Munger designed this state-of-the-art 100 x 140-foot building that then consisted of the twin two-storied sections and the one-story part in between.
Walls were largely of glass to help provide interior lighting. Because the product was relatively unknown, it was thought wise at the outset to set up temporary facilities elsewhere for an exclusive demonstration for ladies to show its various uses for kitchen cleaning purposes. (It was also considered a good gimmick to entice more local sale of stock.)
Unfortunately, by 1929, the factory here was in receivership, and the facility was later adapted and enlarged to accommodate Peters Stamping Company, and since then succeeding metal-oriented businesses.