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The mission of Historic Perrysburg, Inc. is to cultivate an interest and awareness of the history and architecture of the Perrysburg area.


Preserving Our Heritage

Historic Perrysburg - A big part of what we do is keeping our members, local community members, and area visitors updated on what we are doing as an organization and creating opportunities for people to get involved. 


Whether its organizing events to help those people learn about and appreciate Perrysburg unique local history or connecting people to other area local history and historic preservation resources, we want to maintain a dialog with folks that are interested in history and preservation.  So come on in and learn more about who we are, what we do, and how you can get involved in supporting the preservation of Perrysburg's local history and architecture.  Don't see what you are looking for or have a question?  Reach out and contact us!

HPI Membership

Support the mission of Historic Perrysburg Inc. and stay up to date on all the news and events from HPI by becoming a member.  Members receive quarterly updates, early notifications of upcoming events, an invitation to HPI's member-only annual meeting, and other membership benefits. 

Upcoming Events

2024 Architectural Scavenger Hunt

The Historic Perrysburg Inc. architectural scavenger hunt is gearing up this year to begin July 31, 2024. Participants can pick up their entry forms at the Way Public Library information desk just past the main lobby.


"The Hunt" begins Wednesday, July 31st, and the last day to turn in your completed entry form to the Way Library information desk is Sunday, September 15th.

The photo clues are located within our historic district. A colored map is included in each participant's packet. Don't forget to walk and look in the alleys. First, second, and third place awards will be given in October in the lower level of Way Library. Everyone is invited to join the fun and learn more about our city's beautiful architecture!

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